Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The End of Another Good Year, The Start of "Being Me"

Tomorrow I will be turning 24. In reflecting on this last year, I think I did a really good job. Last year on my 23rd birthday I told myself that this would be a year of "being intentional". (I like to set birthday resolutions vs. new years resolutions as I feel like a year of my life is more meaningful than a calendar year.) I think I was very good about being intentional this year. I made a few very intentional choices to make sure I'm taking full advantage of my youth and now I'm here in New Zealand. I couldn't be happier to have ended my 23rd year of life on the other side of the world. I haven't decided what I'm going to set for this year but I'm thinking "be unintentional". I've been practicing going with the flow and it's working well so far. Continuing this into next year would be a good plan. But as I'm writing this maybe that's the theme for my trip but not the theme for my 24th year. Maybe it needs to be "be me". Being away from home, from people having a preconceived idea of who I am, being away from having a reputation to live up to, ideals to fit into, I'm really starting to learn more about myself (I got a tattoo, I rode on a motorcylce without appropriate clothing, I'm thinking of going sky diving, I'm trying to get the jobs I've always wanted to have - tending bar and working in a bakery, etc.) Sticking with this for the theme for age 24 sounds like the best plan. Okay, that's it, it's settled. For the 24th year of my life the theme will be "Be Me".

That's all on that.

Chat tomorrow.


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