Saturday, January 18, 2014

White Tail Spider

Nothing exciting happened yesterday. I worked during the day and then just chilled at the cafe last night with Alanna. We watched a movie, At Any Price, which has Zac Efron in it - Alanna loves Zac Efron. I thought it was a good thought provoking movie, Alanna didn't like the ending and thus didn't like the movie. Zac's character wasn't the nicest guy ever either.

Two days ago, however, I got to see New Zealand's one poisonous animal (spider) up close. There was a white tail spider in the sink of the cafe in the morning. Here's a photo:

Can you see the little white mark on it's back side?

So Katie, one of the women who works in the kitchen, told me something very interesting about the White Tail Spider. On it's own, it's not poisonous. It get's it's poison from it's prey, the Daddy Long Legs. Apparently, Daddy Long Legs are extremely poisonous, but because their jaws are not strong enough to pierce human skin they are not harmful to us. The White Tail eats Daddy Long Legs, however, and gets the venom from them. The White Tails' jaws are strong enough to pierce human skin and thus when you get bit by a White Tail Spider the venom from the Daddy Long Legs gets transferred to you. That's what I've heard.

Tonight we're going back to the Mussel Kitchen for their weekly Saturday night music gig. That's all I've got for now.


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