Thursday, January 9, 2014

Feline Friends and Fishing

Thursday, January 9, 2014 - 10:35 pm

Nothing too exciting happened during the day today - just another day at work in the cafe. A few items to note:

  1. I cleaned the fridge today. This is actually the 3rd time this week our boss has asked one of us to clean the fridge and each time it has been cleaned. We're not sure if he is forgetting that it's already been cleaned or if he thinks we're all doing a terrible job. Now we're just waiting to see if he's going to ask a fourth person. 
  2. Today was Lasma's (Latvia) last day at work with us in the cafe. She's not leaving until Saturday but we're all getting sad already. We have a few surprises planned for tomorrow for her. I'd love to spill the beans here but who know's if she's reading. I'll let you all know once tomorrow's over.

Now onto the feline friends. Teriyaki (the cat) found a new favorite place to lounge around the cafe today. Watch here to see where that was. Too bad it wasn't a better arrangement for Phoebe (England).

And now for fishing... Tonight I went out for dinner with Elli (Germany) at the Mussel Kitchen. Elli has a friend who works there, Giovani, and after dinner he invited us for a drink with a few mussel boat skippers. I asked us if they would take us out on a mussel barge and after a somewhat confusing conversation (owing to the fact that I think they'd had a few drinks and we couldn't always tell when they were kidding and when they were serious) we have set a date to go out on a mussel barge next Wednesday. We get to see the mussel barge in action and do some fishing as well. I can't wait to get out there!! Mussel farming is like the #1 industry in Coromandel. They farm 30,000 tons of mussels a year here. I can't possibly think of a more "Coromandel" experience. This is gonna be amazing - both for me and for you as I will take tons of videos and we can learn all about mussel farming together!!!

Apparently these guys get going early so our day is going to start around 4am on Wednesday. We have to be at the dock, ready to go at 4:45. Between now and then I have to do some scrounging for clothes as I need a warm jacket for the cold morning and the warmest thing I brought is a light exercise jacket. Thank god they have extra boots for us to wear because I have no idea where I would've found those. I am also in charge of getting ahold of fishing poles for Elli and I. Alex, a guy who works with me at the cafe, just bought a fishing boat so I'm hoping he'll have a couple I can borrow. Okay, that's all I've got about that.

Oh and here's one last video of a friend of the mussel farmers trying to explain his job as an engineer building machines that work with planes to a young french woman. I'm not sure how funny you'll think it is but in real life we definitely got a laugh!



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