Saturday, January 25, 2014

Winning Over The Avo Man

Nothing too exciting happened today. I worked at the cafe and at the Top Pub. Most of us are pretty much over the cafe work. We are all mentally at our next location so the days are feeling pretty long right now. Plus, since I'm working two jobs Thursday - Sunday the days actually are long as well.

On your walk into town there is a house where they sell produce and the sign out front prominently advertises the Avocados for sale. We all refer to this house as the Avocado house. There is a customer at the Top Pub, a regular, Pete, that drinks Wild Buck beer - the cheapest beer we've got at $5 NZD / pint. Yesterday I found out the Pete is the guy with the Avocado stand. He's not the friendliest guy but I think I won him over today. We'll see how tomorrow goes, if he's any friendlier to me, but I like to make winning the grumpy people over a challenge to myself. It's always fun to see if I can do it. If I can't, I just assume they'll never be won over by anyone.

Anyways, I'm still enjoying my bar tending job as much as I was yesterday. One of the girls told me there's a Motorcycle ride in this part of New Zealand in February (maybe the 14th?) and that the Top Pub is one of the stops on the ride. I'm gonna try to get the day off at the cafe so I can work at the Top Pub. This will probably be great experience for my CV for Sturgis.

Tonight after work I went out with the girls from the cafe to Middle Pub where Ed & Eugene were playing. (Remember we saw them at The Mussel Kitchen 3 weeks ago). I got to meet both Ed and Eugene - very nice, friendly, talented guys.

Tomorrow I'm going to be working both jobs again. I'm gonna try to get up early and do the Harray track hike in the morning. I've also got to collect my bike which is at Top Pub right now. I can hike into town, buy shampoo and conditioner which I'm out of, and then get my bike and bike back for work at 11am.

Okay, that's all for now.


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