Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pay Day and Puke Day

Thursday, January 2, 2014 - 8:15 pm

Today we got paid for the first time! Nice! Since last week we've been working extra hours (above the 25 we work for room & bored) in exchange for cash money and are earning about $150/week for an extra 10 hours of work. Although we may only be getting these "extra" hours for another week or two this money is going to be really nice to have. Good to have some money coming in instead of all my money going out. This should definitely help keep my total cost for NZ down. It's crazy to think I'm really happy to be earning $15/hour when I was making more than that before but everything is better when you're living in paradise! I bet living in Hawaii would be great even if you were just making minimum wage. Next stop, maybe?

Enough with the pay day, let's move onto the puke day. A girl threw up at the cafe today. It was really pretty funny since she had drank an entire smoothie and eaten her entire meal and then decided to throw it all up. There was a lot of vomit - but I guess that's better than the dry heaves. I'm just happy she was sitting at a table in the garden and we could just wash it away. If she had thrown up inside I probably would have made her parents clean it up and not helped at all. The girl, who was probably about 9 or 10, handled the situation very well. I feel like kids tend to cry when they throw up - or at least I always feel like crying when I throw up - but she seemed more or less unfazed by the whole incident. I'm sure if there hadn't been any adults around she would have gone on with her day as normal but the parents and grandparents were making sure she sat there for a few minutes to see if she would vomit again. She didn't puke again while at the cafe but I sent here with an empty ice cream tub for the road just in case. I hope this is my only vomit incident for the year but the chances are low being that's it's only the 2nd of January.

That's all for today - or all that I can think of now. Nothing big planned for tomorrow - just more work - but I'll let you know what fun things we get into!


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