Monday, January 6, 2014

High Tides and Hedgehogs

Today I had the day - my first since New Years Day, and I went to the beach, Tucks Bay to be exact - a local beach. I was very tired so I decided not to try and head across the peninsula but stay somewhere close to home. When we got there it was high tide and there was almost no beach. By the time we left 3 hours later the tide had gone out quite a bit, see the photo below.

The tide went out but the boat stayed behind....

On the walk home we came across a hedgehog on the sidewalk. So cute! Here's a video of it.

Tonight we are going out for pizza at Luke's Kitchen and then star gazing. I think it'll be really cool. I'm not sure how easy it will be to take videos or photos at the star gazing event but I'll try. That's all for now.


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