Sunday, March 9, 2014

A busy day - Pasifika, parties, reunions

I had a very busy day today!

Let's start at the beginning. I slept in today since I was up so late yesterday writing my blog post. Woke up around 10 am. Sooo nice! Had breakfast, went to the gym, etc...

Around 12:30 I headed out for Pasifika, a festival held annually in Auckland celebrating the island nations of the pacific. I walk through many of the island nation exhibits - Tonga, Fiji, Cook Island, Niue, Hawaii, a few others. It was a really hot day - I guess it is still summer here! - and I was trying mostly not to get sun burnt. I had one meal what I was at Pasifika, Chop Suey, but wasn't overly impressed. Maybe because it was cooked at a festival and not in a restaurant kitchen served fresh. I will definitely try again somewhere else. Overall, I wasn't super impressed by the festival. It may be because I was there on the afternoon of the second and final day so many of the vendors were winding down. I bet if I'd have gone yesterday I would've been more impressed. There were lots of cool things going on the stages in each island nation's area - dancing, singing, performances - but I was hoping I would've learned more about each island and how they're different from each other. It was not as educational/informative as I would've hoped. If I ever go again it'll be on the Saturday.

After Pasifika I headed out to my NZ family's house to pick up a few things I'd forgotten there and caught up with my NZ sister, Rosie. We chit-chatted for a bit but I had to run to my afternoon house party that I was invited to by my new friends I made last night, Tom and Oscar. I got to the party about 4:45 and stayed for like 2 hours. Almost everyone at the party works at one of a few restaurants in Ponsonby, a somewhat up-market but still hip neighborhood here in Auckland. They were all pretty cool people and it was fun to have a social activity on my calendar. While I was at the party I finally got a call from Alanna saying she was in Auckland. I'd been expecting the call much earlier in the morning so I was beginning to worry that something had happened so I was quite relieved to find out that she was all well and good and here in the city. I picked her up about 7pm and we went out for a drink and then dinner. Before getting Alanna, however, I got a surprising call from Phoebe (England) saying she was also going to be in Auckland tonight and wondering if she could stay with me. Of course she could! Alanna and I went and picked up Phoebe about 10pm and then we all went out for a drink. Now I'm just sitting in bed here with Phoebe having one last sleep over, just like back at the cafe.

Oh, the good old days back in Coromandel.

Anyways, my blog post is surprisingly short for how busy my day was (or felt). I haven't been home almost at  all today! Crazy! Anyways, it was a great day. I met some new people, got to see my good friends from my WWOOFing in Coro and spent lots of time outside enjoying the final days of Summer! How nice to have a good day here in Auckland.

For tomorrow:

I have a session with my Personal Trainer in the morning. I figure if I'm going to be in Auckland for a bit I might as well use my time wisely!
Dinner tomorrow night with Terry and Mimi's son, Kelsey in Ponsonby.
And I might spend the afternoon looking for a second job.

That's all for today, folks.



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