Sunday, March 16, 2014


The last 5 days have been spent mostly working and sleeping so no really exciting news - and thus the lack of a blog post. Let me recap shortly.


I worked out in the morning and then went on a day date with Brooke (the receptionist at my gym and a 24 yr. old girl from Auckland) and her friend Sarah. We went out for lunch in Mission Bay, a nice little beach area here in Auckland, and then went for frozen yogurt after and a walk along the beach. I had so much fun with theses ladies. I was laughing the entire lunch. It was so great to be out with some ladies my own age having such a blast. Hopefully we can all go out for lunch again this week! After that I went to work, nothing too exciting for the rest of Wednesday.


Slept/napped most of the morning than worked in the afternoon.


I had the day off! Yay! I was very tired from working the last two days so I had a slow morning but went rock climbing in the afternoon with my friend, Tom. We went to an indoor gym out in West Auckland and I had a blast. After climbing a few walls I played one game of Cruisin' USA on the video game machine. Brings back such wonderful memories from being a kid. It was funny how much better I am at the game now that I've actually been driving. I didn't have such drastic reactions to the curves in the road like I did as a kid. Friday night Phoebe and I went out for a dinner date to Selera, a Malaysian restaurant in Newmarket, about one block from where I live. It was a really nice night, warm, felt like summer. We ate outside and just soaked in the city summer atmosphere. Then we walked around a bit to check out the other restaurants in Newmarket as I was looking for places to apply for a new job. Oh yes, Friday I spent some time doing my CV and Cover Letter for job applications.


In the morning I went to the gym then probably took a nap. I can't really remember. Oh yes, I sent off CVs and Cover Letters to three restaurants that had ads for waitstaff on TradeMe (the NZ equivalent of Craigslist). I am much more inclined to drop off applications in person but two of the three restaurants are opening soon and thus don't have a location to actually go to to meet a manager. After taking care of that I went off to work for the evening. I had one table give me a $20 tip for my travel expenses. How sweet! :) When I got home from work I saw I had received a reply from one of the restaurants all ready thanking me "very, very much" for applying and asking me to come in for a meet and greet this week. This was the place I most wanted to work at out of the three I applied to so I was very happy. For those of you in MN, the group opening the restaurant is probably very similar to the Parasole Restaurant chain - up-market, hip, unique restaurants around the city. I'm very happy to have a chance to possibly work there.


This morning I lounged around on the couch as I was tired again and then took another nap. See now why I don't have anything to write on my blog? Worked this afternoon/evening. Had lots of nice tables and got a few more tips. I think for this week I'm up to about $60 in tips which is pretty good for this city! I got my work schedule for next week this evening so I was able to confirm a time for a meet and greet for tomorrow at 3pm. Wish me luck!

In more general news, I've obviously been working a lot, napping a lot, and watching a lot of E! - mostly the Kardashians. It's been so nice to have Phoebe around this week as well. A friend! Today we were chatting about how we feel like we're old friends but in reality we only met three months ago. How being away from home and totally friendless can move new friendships along so much faster.

For tomorrow:

Personal Trainer at 11:00am
Buy shoes for interview in early afternoon
Interview/Meet & Greet with possible new employed 3:00 pm
Movie and maybe dinner with Tom 6:00ish?

"Sounds Good!"

So as a more general reflection, most people here in Auckland (by that I mean the people I work with who are most of the people I see) have been commenting on how I say "sounds good" all the time. They actually make fun of me at work for it - I don't think it's funny - and generally say it back to me. Is this a MN thing or an Annabelle thing? I'm going to ask you guys to listen for this phrase for the next couple of days and see if you hear it regularly. If so, it must be a MN thing. If not, it must be a me thing. Let me know what you come up with!

Okay, that's all for now. Gotta get to bed so I'm well rested for my trainer appointment in the morning. Expect a post tomorrow with the results of my meet & greet.


1 comment:

  1. I say 'Sounds good' all the time! I think it's a MN thing.... I've heard a couple of other people at work say it, too. Or, maybe it's a MoneyGram thing?? :)
