Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rainbows and New Rooms

This morning while I was preparing my breakfast in the kitchen I looked out the window and saw the most beautiful rainbow. Have a look:

Quite nice, isn’t it?

Anyways, that’s all on that.

In bigger news, I moved into my new home today.  I have procrastinating on packing these last few days because I have enjoyed staying with Terry and Mimi so much but I finally had to get everything together. It appeared that I had lots more stuff then when I arrived in Auckland only 2 weeks ago but really I just didn’t pack it all that well this time around. Either way, I think I had my suitcase, backpack, and purse that I left the states with. I also had the beach bag that I acquired in Coromandel Town. In addition to all this I think I had 2 more bags that I didn’t usually have just because I didn’t pack all that well. Enough about my luggage…

I moved in today at 2:30pm to my new place. Here’s a photo of my new bedroom:

The house is really cute and so homey. I knew from the moment I first walked in here that this would be a great place for me to stay – relaxing, comfortable, quite, nice.  My roommate, Kate, is likely in her early 60s and lives here alone – well not anymore, but she did. It is likely a 3-bedroom house – one of the bedrooms is an office – and has one extremely large bathroom. (I’ll take some more photos tomorrow so y’all can see where I’m living.) It has a nice large family/living room, a dining room, large kitchen, a very nice backyard with good outdoor furniture and a driveway where I can leave my truck.

Tonight Kate cooked a dinner for me a welcome and we had champagne. That’s the second time I’ve had champagne in two days. Champagne is not my favorite but you can’t pass it up when there’s something to celebrate.

In moving news, I got myself signed up at the library today and started looking at gyms. Now that I’m going to stay here for a few months I might as well get my life sorted. I also went to the grocery store today do my first real grocery shop in NZ and it went pretty well. Not everything is organized the same as it is in the states but I eventually found my way around. And I signed up for the grocery store discount card. It really feels like I’m settling here in Auckland. Yikes! Gotta keep moving!

Okay, I think that’s all for today… gonna read my book, lie down in my new bed, and make plans for tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about you recently as I've heard a ton of Kid Rock songs on the radio. And, I just found out today that he's playing at the State Fair in August! You better come back so you can meet and tell him you're going to marry him! ;)
