Thursday, March 27, 2014

My last 20 cents

So I'm down to my last 20 cents! Ahhhh! Well, not technically, but pretty much. I only have 20 cent left in coins/cash. I have a bit of money saved in my NZ bank account but I'm trying to actually save that and I have a few dollars in my NZ checking account but I need that for auto withdrawls that will be coming out of that account in the future. So basically, I'm down to 20 cents! Yikes! (Don't worry too much though, I have plenty of money in my US bank account, I'm just not trying to use that either). Here's a photo of what I spent $15.20 on tonight that left me with only 20 cents afterwards:

Ciabatta Bread and Mozzarella Cheese, Yum!

In other news, my cowboy boots showed up today! As you may remember, I purchased these a few months ago after my current pair molded while sitting on the concrete floor. I looked into getting the current pair repaired but the leather is in such terrible condition that I was told it wasn't worth it. I have been holding off on having my new ones sent to me as I didn't really have a real address until now. I opened the box today and it's amazing that the pair I currently have ever even looked like the other ones. I ordered the exact same pair of boots so it must be what they looked like at one point, but man are mine worn out! Take a look:

I bet you can't tell which are the new ones ;)

In boring news, I worked again today. I'm really starting to get a feel for how things run at Ortolana and I'm liking it. It's definitely 5 start service. The expectations are very high, but the customers really enjoy it. My next task, memorize the menu and be prepared for customer questions! The quicker I can do that, the quicker I get my pay raised, and the quicker I start making more money. Wish me luck!

That's all for tonight.


Oh and lastly - a shout out to my MoneyGram ladies, Kristine, Stephanie, and Tammy. I was thinking about our crock pot meals the other day and I miss those. :( Hope you are all doing well. Miss you!

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