Monday, March 24, 2014

Jaile Bun Shop

For lunch today I went to the Jaile Bun Shop in Northcote, an Auckland neighborhood on the northern side of the city - across the harbor bridge. (They don't have a website but you can check out a photo of some girls in the shop in here from a local magazine article about the place.) I don't remember if I wrote yesterday that I attempted to go here for dinner last night but it was closed. I drove back today, however, it was open, and it was amazing. The steamed buns they serve are huge and super tasty - especially the pork and veggie buns. I had 4 buns and was completely stuffed after leaving. And the best part? They only cost $1.20 each. You can eat a really good sized lunch at this place for less than $5. Amazing! I will definitely be making regular trips up to Northcote for the steam buns.

In job news, I will starting full time with Hipgroup tomorrow. I am working 4 - close tomorrow, Tuesday, and 3 - close Wednesday through Saturday of this week. Bring on the hours and bring on the money! I can't wait to be making regular money! I don't have any bigs plans to spend it, yet, but I am sure happy to be able to start saving maybe $100/week. And with the NZ dollar gaining strength against the USD, my money I'm earning here is worth more every day!

What else happened today... I had my trainer this morning. Probably the best session to date. I also went to the library and got a new crime book, which I didn't like. I just finished one by Donna Leon and I wasn't all that impressed. Today I picked one up by Quintin Jardine and didn't like it either. I asked a friend today if they ever read crime novels and they suggested I try Patricia Cornwell. There was only one of her novels at the library next to the bun shop, in large print, but so far so good. I'm about a third of the way through and it's the best I've read yet. Yay!

Let's see... anything else? Not really. Oh yes! I woke up this morning with a sore throat. It'd not getting any better, not any worse but not any better. I'm not very happy about it. I've had a few zinc lozenges today and I'll have some more tomorrow. I just really hope I'm not getting sick. I do know I am getting nervous for my new job though! Ah!!!

Okay, that's all for now.


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