Friday, March 28, 2014

I'm LOVING my new job!

So I'm totally digging my new job! It's fun, the people are great, the atmosphere is professional, the customers are nice and friendly. I'm very happy with my new situation. Plus, it's super fun to have a reason to go into the CBD 5 days a week! Today I got to work a bit early and went down to the water for a few minutes to relax before work. Today my father sent me a video of "spring" in MN with the snow falling so I made a video of "fall" in Auckland with the 85* weather. The video really isn't that cool but if you want to check it out, click here.

Generally, I'm just very happy with my new work situation. It's great to busy 40+ hours of the week. I'm really starting to appreciate my time off more and getting more excited about planning little "weekend" activities for my days off. It's great to spend 40+ hours of my week with tons of cool people from around the world, and it's great to help make people happy 40+ hours of the week. :) I just feel very content with everything right now, which I'm very happy about, because these last weeks in Auckland haven't been the easiest of my travels, without many friends, without much to do, not feeling all the settled, not liking my first job.

Anyways, some things that may be coming up soon - I have Sunday off this week as well as Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. I may try to get over to Rangitoto Island once day and hike the volcano. I may also try to get down to Hobbiton and do the tour. I'm not set on dates yet, must check the weather (not that it doesn't change ever 15 minutes anyways), but I'm going to try to start doing some things that will be good for the blog again.

Oh, on that note, I went for soup dumplings today at a place called Jolin Shainghai restaurant in the Mt. Eden neighborhood of Auckland. Very good. It's really amazing how many different kinds of Asian food they have here in Auckland. I was reflecting on what we have in MN and it's mostly Chinese, Sushi (with the exception of Fuji Ya which does Japanese cuisine), a few up-market Thai places, and that's about it. Here in Auckland they have restaurants from every country in Asia and within those countries, many regions. Vietmanese (Norther and Southern), Malaysian, Indonesian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese (more regions than I even know), etc... It's so cool! So anyways, today I had soup dumplings - a new food for me.

That's about it. May be going out tonight once the rest of the gang gets off at the restaurant or may be reading my new books that I picked up at the library today. Book club ladies, I got the book club book! Yay! So I'll be able to read for this month and hopefully call into the meeting again.

Have a great Friday everyone.


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