Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Night out in Ponsonby

So it's been hard this last week here in Auckland getting settled in, having lots of free time, and no friends. Last night I was very tempted to go out by myself but I chickened out at the last minute and didn't. Tonight, however, had to be different. I couldn't spend another weekend night home sleeping when I'm in a new city that deserves a bit of exploring. Work was good today but a bit short and I needed some more social time. On my walk to the bus after work I walked past this store selling cute clothes and saw a sign on a rack saying $9.99. That's like $8.50 USD! So I decided to take a peak in and 30 minutes later I walked out with 6 items - a cute black skirt for the club, a cute black top of going out, a cream crochet sweater, 2 tank tops, and a black sweater - all for less than $70 NZD. Crazy amazing! So with my new clothes in hand I decided I was going out tonight and I was going to make a fun night of it. I did my hair, did my nails, got all dressed up, found a great restaurant to go to and went out on a date with myself.

I went to a restaurant, Moo Chow Chow, in Ponsonby. I got this place as a recommendation from a woman who worked at the clothing store I was at earlier today and at first I thought maybe a burger joint but it was asian tapas food. I had fried pig tail - yes, real pig tail! - and caramelized pork and prawns for dinner. I can confidently say I didn't know what I was getting into with the pig tail when I saw it on the menu but who can pass up pig tail? You never know when you're going to get another chance to eat it! It was a struggle though, and I didn't finish it. I am a meat eater, and have no problem eating meat, but when you are eating meat off of a vertebrate it's a whole other ball game. In the end I ate about half the order and took the other half home. I have no intention of ever finishing it but maybe tomorrow I'll feel differently....?

While I was sitting there in the bar eating dinner I got to chatting with the waiter and bar tender. They offered me suggestions on places to go for an after dinner drink by myself but while I was paying one of them got off work and so I went for a drink with him. His name is Tom and he's very funny. We went to a little bar down the road, Mea Culpa. I had a great time hanging out with Tom - I finally made a friend!!! Highlight of my time in Auckland so far, for sure! They are apparently having a party tomorrow at one of their co-workers and they invited me to that as well so maybe I'll make a few more friends! Yay!

Okay, I'm getting very tired now. I started this blog post whenI got home, about 12:30am on Sunday morning, then mid-way through had an hour long Skype with a friend from home and am now trying to finish this up at 2:00am. I'm sure it's not making much sense - at least it isn't making much sense to me anymore. Tired! That's all for today.

For tomorrow:
- Pasifika festival
- Party with my new friends
- Alanna (Canada) and Patricia (Canada) will be in town for the night - yay again!


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