Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 1 at Ortolana

Today was my first official day working with Hipgroup - a full shift, 4 to close at Ortolana. It went very well! I'm definitely still learning but I think it's going to continue to get easier with each additional shift. Plus I think they're going to be teaching me lots as time goes by so eventually I'll probably be able to do just about everything - food running, serving, coffee making, etc... As I was sitting on my post-dinner break at about 9:00 I started thinking that I really enjoy the downtown location. On of my co-workers, Perry, told me they like me a lot there as well. Although it's not quite as close to my house as the Parnell location that I originally applied for, it is in the city and probably more exciting. Obviously I haven't said anything to my boss yet and nothing has changed but I think I wouldn't be opposed to working at their downtown locale. 

As for other news from today - I've got almost no money left and I don't get paid until Thursday (it's Tuesday here right now). Although this isn't a huge deal, I'm going to try to see if I can make it 2 more days on 10 dollars cash plus some coins I've got lying around. I have some money in the bank here but I really want to focus on actually saving money so I'm going to try not to dip into that if avoidable. I did some grocery shopping today so hopefully I'll have enough food to eat until Thursday - I've got like 3 dozen eggs so it might be a pretty boring next few days - when I can go buy some new things. I guess it's kind of fun to see what I can get by on if needed. My life is definitely much simpler here in Auckland than it was in Mpls.

Tomorrow - try not to spend money and then work at 3. Maybe finish my library book because that doesn't cost me anything and walk to the gym because I'm almost out of gas but can't afford to buy any more right now. 

That's all for now, folks!


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