Monday, March 17, 2014

Good News!

So I went in today for my job meet and greet with Hipgroup for the new restaurant they are opening and all went well! I talked with the manager for about 15 minutes and he's invited me back for a second interview on Wednesday with the General Manager and then if that goes well, a trial shift to see if we both like each other. Yay!

I had also put an application in for a cafe/restaurant in a smaller neighborhood near my home and I've got a meet and greet with them on Friday lunch time. I think that between these two I can secure a new job. And both places have said that I can have 40+ hours/week which is what I'm looking for now. They both want a 6 month commitment so looks like I'll be staying around Auckland a bit longer. Maybe a week long trip to Queenstown in there somewhere instead of a winter? And then a nice two month tour of NZ at the end of my visa in the spring? Who knows. One day at a time, see what the world brings me, and make my decisions that way!

Tonight I went to see Dallas Buyers Club with Tom. We went to this great theater in Balmoral. It was really fancy - they had fancy decor, fancy snacks, fancy drinks, and fancy seats. Great place! Good movie too. Very interesting story. Matthew McConaughey was looking pretty sickly though. I mean I remember seeing photos of him all skinny like that but man he looked really rough in that film. After the movie we went for dumplings at a Chinese place, apparently with the best dumplings in the city. They were quite good!

Tomorrow Phoebe is leaving - sad! I am going to do the gym, figure out what I'm wearing to interview number 2 since I don't have very many clothes with me here in NZ, clean the house since I haven't done that since Kate went to Australia last week, and then maybe do some more research for my job interview. Anyways, that's all for today. Please keep your fingers crossed for me and my job interviews.


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