Thursday, March 20, 2014

Trial Shift with Hipgroup

Today I had my trial shift at Hipgroup's Ortolana location. I worked three hours over the lunch rush helping run the food to the tables. I wasn't all that hard - well I don't think it will be hard long term - but there's a lot to do and a lot of information to take in today. I had fun, however. Everyone was really nice and because everything, including the kitchen, is in the restaurant, everyone always has to stay calm and collected making a great overall attitude in the restaurant. After my shift I met with Natasha and she formally offered me the position. They are willing to take me on full time ASAP so whenever I'm done at York Street I'll have full time work with them. If I am to still work at York Street next week I will probably do a few shorter shifts at Ortolana at well to continue learning before the new location opens.

With regards to York Street, I didn't have the opportunity to talk with Doug today. I will hopefully get to chat with him tomorrow morning and let him know of my change of plans. Then it will just be a transition time.

With my move to my new job I finally need to apply for an IRD number (or NZ's equivalent of a Social Security Number). It is done through the post and takes 8-10 days. Have to work on that tomorrow.

That's really about it..... nothing else too exciting. Tomorrow I'm going to the gym in the morning and then work starting at 3. A few errands to run (butcher, fruit shop, post office) and that's it. I'll keep you in the loop if anything real great comes up, otherwise don't expect too much over the weekend as I'm just going to be working and sleeping.


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