Sunday, March 2, 2014

Gannet Colony at Muriwai Beach

Today I rode with Terry over to Muriwai beach to see the Gannet Colony. A gannet is a bird. See their Wikipedia page here. Apparently Terry had sent his oldest son Ryan and Ryan's girlfriend Flo to see the Gannet Colony once and there were no gannets at it that day. We, however, were lucky enough to see them. Here are some pics:

There's Gannets on top of that rock in the foreground.

Check out them Gannets!

Momma and Baby. See a video of these two here.

I also took a few photos of the beach while we were there:

Some starfish waiting for the tide to come back in.

That's all for today. I spent the early part of the day recovering from my late night last night and watching Teen Mom with Rosie. 

For tomorrow, Rosie and I plan to watch Disney movies all day. Rosie hasn't been feeling well the last few days and so has been hanging around the house sick. It's fun to have a friend around!


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