Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Working out and not working

Let's look back at the last two days:


Yesterday morning I had my first session with my personal trainer, Amos. Throughout the workout he kept showing me the easier alternative to the exercises but I insisted I was not going to do those. I am totally capable of "cheating" or taking the easy way out when I'm working out on my own, no need to do that when I'm with my trainer! By the end of the workout I'm pretty sure he realized I didn't want any of the easy options when I'm with him so hopefully he'll step up his game for next week. I did get some good ideas for exercises to do on my own, when I'm not with him, so I'm happy about that. All in all I think Amos will be a good trainer, so long as we both bring out A-game to the table.

After my morning workout Phoebe and I must've run a few errands around town, but to be honest I can't for the life of me remember what we did during the middle of the day. And it was only yesterday, yikes! I really am getting old!

Last night I went out for dinner with Kelsey, Terry and Mimi's son. We went to a Japanese restaurant in Ponsonby, Renkon. It was a tiny little restaurant with only a few tables but the food was tasty. I had the Misodare Tofu. I'd go back again but maybe not out of my way to go there.

Today, Tuesday:

I started my day off again today with some time at the gym. I've really got nothing else to do and since it's kinda like free for me to go it's a good activity for me. Well, it's not technically free but since it's a fixed cost per week once I've paid it it's pretty much free after that. Did some biking and a few resistance training exercises. Read my book and listened to my music. Good morning. I also set a lunch date for tomorrow with one of the trainers, Brooke, who also works at the front desk. She's 24 and seems really nice. We're gonna do lunch tomorrow.

After the gym Phoebe and I went to the beach for maybe 1.5 hours around lunch time. Nice to go for a quick swim and get some sun! Phoebe was also practicing her sand art, see here:

(I'm having trouble with the photo. I'll share at a later date)

In the afternoon I did almost nothing productive - I read my book (which isn't necessarily unproductive) and watched E! for like 3 hours - totally unproductive! I have just been feeling a bit down the last couple days about my job but have been hesitant to do anything about it because I don't want to work on my resume. (Mom - I emailed you a copy, will you please look over and send back to me with comments? Thanks!) I am not getting anywhere near the amount of hours I was lead to believe I would be getting and am thus having a cash flow problem. It's not that I can't afford to be here, I can, but I don't want to keep spending money out of my American bank account because it's not easy to replenish. Anyways, I need a new job.

Which is what I really need to work on now! I have done an initial draft of a resume and once finalized I will spend Thursday and Friday afternoon handing out at bars and restaurants in some trendy neighborhoods, hoping someone will hire me for a full time or more job so I can make some cash both to spend and to save. I just really want to be able to eat out, do activities, pay for petrol without worrying so much, buy clothes, etc... I want to be able to live a little while I'm in Auckland. So that's my plan for the next three days.

Tonight I was supposed to go out with a friend from work but it didn't work out so instead I took myself out for Indian food for dinner. I went to a place down the street from my house, Namaste Express, which was quite good. They had cheap meals for lunch so that's good to keep in mind for the future since I'm usually around during lunch but not always during dinner since I work the occasional evening shift.

Anyways, tomorrow I've the gym in the morning, lunch with Brooke in the afternoon, work for a few hours over dinner, and then probably out with Phoebe and her other friend who's living here in Auckland. Fun day! Oh yeah, and working on my resume! Please, everyone, keep you fingers crossed that I am able to get another job here in Auckland so I can meet more people, make more money, and have more financial freedom while I'm here in the big city of NZ.


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