Thursday, March 20, 2014

I got the Job at Hipgroup!

I went in for my meet & greet with Natasha, the GM at one of the Hipgroup's Ortolana restaurant and she offered me the job at their new restaurant in Parnell! I did a trial shift over the lunch rush today which went well and so I am going to start full time as soon as I'm done at my current job. Which is now priority #1, tell my current boss that I will no longer be working there. I always hate doing this - you never know how people will react. I'm a bit worried that he might just write me off the schedule completely. Which I guess wouldn't be the end of the world at Hipgroup is willing to put me on full time ASAP, but I wouldn't mind at least finishing out this week at York Street and then moving to Hipgroup full time next week. That'd give me one week to get the flow of things at one of their current locations before moving to the new location for the opening week.

Also for yesterday, I had Brooke, the receptionist/trainer at my gym, write me a new exercise routine using the TRX. It's way more fun than just normal exercise and much more challenging as well. I'm somewhat sore today which is good - always what you want after working out. I can't wait to get back to the gym tomorrow and try again!

I'm working tonight at York Street. It's Thursday, pay day, which I love. And I'm not starting until 5 pm so it should be a relatively short shift, maybe 6 hours? Not bad. Anyways, that's all for right now. Working the rest of the weekend. I'll let you know how everything goes with telling my boss I'm leaving tonight.


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