Friday, March 21, 2014

Job Change Official

Tonight I told my current boss that I have accepted a new job at another company and will not longer be working at York Street Mechanics. I always get nervous to do these things but it went really well. It actually almost went too well. I told him I was leaving and he was pretty much like "Ok". Not mad, not sad, not really anything, almost disinterested. It was as if I had told him what I ate for breakfast. I mean it's not like I was expecting him to be heartbroken or anything but I was just expecting a bit more of a response than what I got. But I guess I should just be happy it went so well!

Anyways, this morning I went to the gym and did another TRX workout which was good. Then ran some errands and watched an interesting show on the History Channel about the CIA's 30+ year efforts to remove Muammar Gaddafi from power. Rather interesting show.

Tonight at work I was all by myself and it was really busy, or at least too busy to be by myself. I was working super hard, and had two groups in. I felt really bad because I don't feel like I gave any table enough of the attention that they deserved but they all seemed happy. No tips though. I actually thought about this towards the end of the night. I'm sure I did at least $2000 in sales, if not more. If we were talking about being in the states I'm sure I would have gotten about $300 in tips - 15%. Here, nothing! I mean I don't really care, I just want everyone to enjoy themselves, but it's crazy to think about it nonetheless.

Anyways, it's after midnight here and I'm very tired. I need to put my feet up and my head down and let me body relax for 8 or 9 hours.

That's all for now.


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